
京銘竹 京都竹材商業協同組合

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  1. 京銘竹を使い、六つ目編みを作成中の竹細工職人。


Kyoto is said to grow beautiful and supple bamboo due its good water quality and the large temperature differences from one year to another. There are four types of bamboo cultivated and processed in Kyoto: shiratake, gomadake, zumenkakuchiku and kikkochiku. Shiratake is made by roasting the whole tree to remove the oil, then completely drying it in the sun. Gomadake is made by cutting off the upper part of the bamboo growing above ground, removing the branches to prevent photosynthesis, and letting it almost die to reveal a speckled pattern on the surface. Zumenkakuchiku is covered with a wooden frame when a soft bamboo shoot, then grown in a square shape with a drawing pattern on the surface. Kikkōchiku is a rare bamboo whose knot looks like a turtle shell pattern due to the mutation of Mōsō bamboo, and is finished the same way as white bamboo. Kyoto bamboo (Kyo-meichiku) is carefully cultivated and has been widely used as a material for traditional tea rooms, tea utensils, bamboo fences and bamboo crafts. Unlike ordinary trees, it grows in four to five years, so it is attracting a great deal of attention from an ecological perspective, and bamboo is being developed as a sustainable material for laminated wood and boards.

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  1. : 「のし花生け」。
  2. : 「櫛目唐人笠花籠」。
  3. : 銘竹をボードに貼り込んだ「ヨコタケボード」図面竹平割。
  4. : 「ヨコタケボード」胡麻竹平割。

(1,2,3,4,5 すべて有限会社横山竹材店)

1: Bamboo craftsman making a "six stitches" using Kyo-meichiku. 2: Noshi bana-ike. 3: Kushime-tojingasa-hanakago. 4: Yokotake board with bamboo pasted on the board. Zumenchiku hirawari. 5: Yokotake board. Gomadake hirawari. (1,2,3,4,5 Yokoyama Chikuzai-ten)